Friday, July 4, 2014

F Is For Friendship

"A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly : and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother."

My sister is like a friend. But I have a friend Becky of forty plus years.  She sticks closer than a sister almost.  It is hard to distinguish between the two.  Why?  Because both are my friends, my best friends.

What is a friend?

  1. (Miriam Webster) a person who you like and enjoy being.
  2. (Miriam Webster) a favored companion.
  3. (Miriam Webster) a person who has a strong liking for and trust in another.

Synonyms (Miriam Webster)  cohort, confident, supporter, collaborator, and main woman.

Becky and Twila meet all of these critera.

Sandra's (my defenition) of friendship.

1.  Shared experiences.
2. Support each other in all life needs.
3. Keep in touch often.
4. Help each other in all needs.
5. Will be there in all future life expereinces and future needs.
6. We do this because we care an love each other.

My sister Twila has been around since my birth.  We had our differences growing up. I owe my sister plenty.  If I need her she is always there to help and support me.  I love her not because of this but because she loves me and does it out of love.  She is an angel on earth.

Becky is my friend that got in trouble with and we grew up together.  We learned about life together.  We learned from our mistakes with one another.  We decided what kind of parents we would be because of what we did wrong.

Becky keeps in touch with me almost daily.  Cares like a sister.  She is part of my family.  She grew up knowing my sister Twila and her best friend Kathy, now my sister-in-law and another friend.

Friendship means we can call on one another anytime and we all come running not out of duty but because we care.  I am blessed to have Becky, Twila and Kathy and others in my life.

KJV Provers 27:5  Open rebuke is better than secret love.

Friends will openly rebuke you.  Hoesty is something that comes with friendship.  They call you on thing s when you need it.  They slap you down when you need it.  Not physically but with words to make you see what is good and right for you.

What more can I say about friendship?  Friendship is a special kind of love.  If you haven't  known it then you have missed a great thing on Earth. It is not to late.
If you follow the Golden Rule, you will find a friend that will treat you right back with the special kind of love called friendship.