Friday, May 23, 2014


Bureaucratitis Infected United States Government
Our United States government has become infected with Bureaucratistis (a
disease where bureaucracy has inflamed itself to cause a slow down in moving
forward and a culture of stagnation where the entity is more important than those it
should serve of the “We the people,” government). Our government has outgrown
some of the purposes of individual agencies and groups. Many of these groups fail
to realize they serve the people and actually have the force of writing law with t
their regulations clauses.
The Health And Human Services, HHS, umbrella’s a gigantic conglomerate.
A few of the departments include Department of Education, FDA, CDC, NIH and
more. Duplication is rampant. The total budge for 2013 appears to be $896.4
billion.*Fifty-five percent of that is for Medicare along with administering it. *
*Thus, leaving that off there is $397 billion left. I am not sure if this includes
grants they exercise authority over. That has been hard to figure out and research.
However, I personally do not belief it does. If I am correct, imagine how much
more power that adds to this gigantic conglomerate .
Now, I know we need some of the groups under the HHS. But, the resources
that are spent on finding good information goes to waste. The huge conglomerate
produces information failing to get it where it needs to be. In a number of my blog
posts I show this over and over. September was Children’s Cancer Month. My 
five years of reading gave me pages that have all of the latest research on
children’s cancer on one page. Also, here is a booklet available online about young people and cancer; almost a all you need to know guide at this page
With all the misinformation on autism out in the public, one might think the government might want to advertise two-ten year research projects by the National Autism Center on best practices in health and education; available for download if you are a family or education. Here are the exact PDF titles if you want to download them and qualify; NAC NSPReport_FINPDF is on health and NAC EdManuel1_Finalpdf deals with education.
Do we really want to save money and lower the cost of dealing with premature infants and complications that arise from them? Do we let the hospitals and practitioners have the latest information? Another one of my blog posts centers os information from our government. Free kits are available for hospitals and families that deal with getting an infant from the hospital to the home with all this entails. Here is the dirt on them and how to get them. Named “Transitioning Newborns from NICU to Home: A Resource Toolkit”  can be found in PDF form on the web named nicutoolit.pdf. “Transitioning Newborns from NICU to Home Family Information Packet,” can be found on web in PDF form under nicupacket.pdf.
Here are a couple of resources that are grouped together because they deal with special needs and Individual Education Plan’s (IEP’s). Few teachers or educators I questioned new about This is a great site with information on difficult students and how to work with them. Webinars are presented quite often. Everyone has heard about the high dropout rate of high school students. Right? Few knew about These resources have value but because of Bureaucratistis, the resources are skipping the target audience. Instead they work within circles of circles feeding more information and research back into the cause that duplicates research.
The government offers all sorts of webinars and services on how to help transition a special needs youth into adulthood. The Lead Center is one such resources at The labor department talks about designer employment. This is a system where people design jobs with the strengths and weaknesses of candidates involved. It starts people thinking about job possibilities for special needs youth. Again, where is the information in getting to the parents and teachers?
How about free assistive technology? It is available but somehow escapes the teachers. Check out Then under the menu where it says “Learning tools,” one can find a book builder(, science writer (, Cast studio of ideas ( and more.
Literacy tools on health are provided by AHRQ, Agency for Healthcare and Research. I took yet one more set of tools to produce a complete blog. PEMAT, Patient Education Material Assessment Tool is available at More tools one will find there can help improve pharmacy or medication literacy; AHRQ Pharmacy Health Center, Self-Management Support Video Library and Health Literacy Topics (profession specific)
Why has this information escaped the intended audience? BUREAUCRATITIS! The information is produced, duplicated and re-researched but the intent to get it to the end user is lost on the groups producing the information.
I laugh now. I applied for a Presidential Innovative Fellow to work on these specific things. Go to and read the intent. It is to bring government and the people closer together. I applied. BUREAUCRATITIS strikes again. More government to solve a problem that ignores a solid idea as I stated in my application.
Finally, BUREAUCRATITIS is costing us health dollars. The information generated in triplicate could be used to pay for more health care. Cutting this unfathomable growth of government is a must. BUREUARCRATIS must be given a dose of hard tasting medication. Could imagine what would be going on now if the intended information were reaching the intended audience? Duplication and groups cut back? Grants would not be like free power to be used politically? When will it stop? Now how much does this group compare to the Military Budget? Think and compare.
*Department of Health and Human Services FY 2013 Agency Financial Report.
**Department of Health and Human Services FY 2013 Agency Financial Report.