Please do not be put off by the poetry. I put this in as a thought provoking exercise. Explore all the things that might affect autism. Then after you read the poem go to the NIH Sites and get free publications that explain all the poem touches on. Autism, like cancer, has so many threads and variables it is impossible to find one specific cause. That is why we must explore all threads.
Autism? Simple answers? No! Here is
Sandra’s try at an explanation.
Sandra’s try at an explanation.
Autism has good graces.
Visit upon us to bless upon.
Visit upon us to bless upon.
Doesn’t mean one shouldn’t ask,
“Why? What? When? Where and how?”
“Why? What? When? Where and how?”
God could have intended
You being intentioned in the unhinging of the process.
You being intentioned in the unhinging of the process.
Vaccination’s that is the key!
Say many with adamation!
Say many with adamation!
I agree for them it could be,
A factor, insult that hit on.
A factor, insult that hit on.
Pharmacist in me says, the study was too small to make it a hallmark.
Flip the coin, drug makers threw around money, plus shouted out!!
Flip the coin, drug makers threw around money, plus shouted out!!
Next, a group says environment
Causes problems no doubt.
Causes problems no doubt.
Environmental insult.
Yep, that is why my child is shut into autism.
Yep, that is why my child is shut into autism.
Remember here, environmental can be
From chemicals & diseases stalking inside to make their stand.
From chemicals & diseases stalking inside to make their stand.
From, things like maybe Grandpa’s Agent Orange,
To a baby’s hospital stay due to RSV!
To a baby’s hospital stay due to RSV!
May yet wave
The Genetics Flag.
The Genetics Flag.
Throw into this mix, I will; smaller families, often an only child
That insists to be totally plugged into away from others.
That insists to be totally plugged into away from others.
Oh, how simple it would be
One answer, if could only twas or could be.
One answer, if could only twas or could be.
Yet, still I want to pose
Older parents, sperms and eggs as a contribution variable.
Older parents, sperms and eggs as a contribution variable.
Not a reason not to conceive!
But to be aware more defects, mutations with age do occur.
But to be aware more defects, mutations with age do occur.
Can one really say,
One cause is for autism?
One cause is for autism?
Look at cancer! Common threads
There, still many different scenarios.
There, still many different scenarios.
Genetics predispose, environmental assaults,
Turns on gene with a society that is ripe in culture and age of parents?
Turns on gene with a society that is ripe in culture and age of parents?
Yet, it matters!
No, it doesn’t matter!
No, it doesn’t matter!
Sound so crazy?
Yes, to help. No because we love and deal with it no matter what!
Yes, to help. No because we love and deal with it no matter what!
We learn what can and must be done.
But better realize the blame game must stop.
But better realize the blame game must stop.
One answer might be cause in 1% of cases ( just me thinking),
Reality is autism is complex.
Reality is autism is complex.
Complex, autism really is!
Yet, then is simple too.
Yet, then is simple too.
Reaching out is what I want to do.
Remember right answers lead to correct therapy n treatments!
Remember right answers lead to correct therapy n treatments!
Wrong guesses and blame may only
Lead to burying data and wrong wizardly haphazard disasters.
Lead to burying data and wrong wizardly haphazard disasters.
Science, true keeps an open mind!
God is the first and Ultimate Scientist.
God is the first and Ultimate Scientist.
Together are we able
To do and can do n be our best.
To do and can do n be our best.
In some ways the riddle of autism
Is not to be solved!
Is not to be solved!
God means us to be
Who we are as he made us!
Who we are as he made us!
Change is something
All of us must do.
All of us must do.
Adapting to you and others
Is being kind.
Is being kind.
Let us not get behind
Stay in the forefront.
Stay in the forefront.
Doing out best to unlock the riddle
As much in prayer; God intends us to do!
As much in prayer; God intends us to do!
I am sure by helping
We learn God’s lessons.
We learn God’s lessons.
Helping those with autism
I bet could be a society improvement, God intends us to do.
I bet could be a society improvement, God intends us to do.
No answer complete do I have;
Except my son is a blessing some may say in disguise!
God we will accept your answers.
Thank you God! Amen!
Except my son is a blessing some may say in disguise!
God we will accept your answers.
Thank you God! Amen!
This post will not be long. First, let me give you this site url in case you choose to read no futher. You can wander around and see what is important to you.
This site is marvelous at giving basic information on autism. There is a free "Parent's Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorder's."
On the site you will find headings listed below;
- What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?
- Causes
- Signs and Symptoms
- Who is At Risk
- Diagnosis
- Treatments
- Living With
- Clinical Trials
There are more publications, plus they are available in spanish.
I hope this is helpful; my goal is to inform with correct information. There is so much misinformation out there